Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Trip to Memphis in 2009.

Dan Carrington keeps lots of pictures of sheep in his house. Here's a nativity including sheep I found in his house.

The Carringtons fought in the Cival war. Aubrey and Francis were Carringtons. I found this framed document on the wall in Dan Carrington's house. Dan is a son of Aubrey and Francis Carrington.

Francis's casket with the preacher standing behind.

Aubrey and Francis in their later years. A digi pic of a photo behind glass.

Fracis's love of her life, Aubrey. They were married for seventy - four years. A digi pic of a photo behind glass.

Aunt Francis who's funeral we were attending. This was a photograph in behind glass in a frame I took a digital picture of.

1 comment:

jjfortheking said...

Your relitives must be pretty old if they fought in the Civil War. :P Glad to see pictures! Great post, Brother Jeriah. :D